
The Changing Threat to the Conservation of the Florida Manatee

The Changing Threat to the Conservation of the Florida Manatee Belanger, Michael P.1,2; MacNeill, Amanda J.1,3; Askin, Nesime1,3; Wittnich, Carin1,2,3 (1) Oceanographic Environmental Research Society, 12 Burton Ave., Barrie, ON, L4N2R2, Canada (2) Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON, M5S1A8, Canada (3) Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, 1 […]

The Changing Threat to the Conservation of the Florida Manatee Read More »

World Wide Marine Mammal Strandings – Is it Species Specific and a Cause for Concern?

World Wide Marine Mammal Strandings –Is it Species Specific and a Cause for Concern? Askin Nesime1,3, Belanger Michael 2,3, Hill Eileen1,3, Wittnich Carin 1,2,3 1) Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, MSB Rm 7256, 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto OntarioM8Z 3C2, Canada (2) Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, MSB Rm 7256, 1 King’s College

World Wide Marine Mammal Strandings – Is it Species Specific and a Cause for Concern? Read More »

The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Dugong Mortality in Queensland, Australia Dugongs (Dugong dugon)

The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Dugong Mortality in Queensland, Australia Dugongs (Dugong dugon) Amanda MacNeill 1; Michael Belanger 1; Dr. Carin Wittnich 1,2 (1) Oceanographic Environmental Research Society, 12 Burton Avenue, Barrie, Ontario L4N 2R2, Canada (2) Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A8, Canada Increased industrialization and urbanization are

The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Dugong Mortality in Queensland, Australia Dugongs (Dugong dugon) Read More »

Climate Change, the Arctic Region and Preserving Endangered and Threatened Species

Climate Change, the Arctic Region and Preserving Endangered and Threatened Species Michael Belanger, 1,2; Joanna MacNeil, 1; Nesime Askin, 1,2; Carin Wittnich 1,2,3. (1) Oceanographic Environmental Research Society, 12 Burton Ave., Barrie, ON, L4N2R2, Canada (2) Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON, M5S1A8, Canada (3) Department of Physiology, University

Climate Change, the Arctic Region and Preserving Endangered and Threatened Species Read More »

Are Threats to the Florida Manatee Changing Over Time?

Are Threats to the Florida Manatee Changing Over Time? Michael Belanger, Amanda MacNeill, Nesime Askin, Carin Wittnich Manatees and dugongs have long been threatened by human activities such as hunting, loss of habitat and boat strikes or collisions. The vast number of Florida manatees being seriously injured or killed by these boat strikes or collisions

Are Threats to the Florida Manatee Changing Over Time? Read More »

Temporal variation in stranding numbers of marine mammals: how individual populations are impacted and their repercussions.

Temporal variation in stranding numbers of marine mammals: how individual populations are impacted and their repercussions. Ashley Kidd (1), Mike Belanger(2), Carin Wittnich(1,2) 1 Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 25 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada2 Oceanographic Environmental Research Society, 12 Burton Avenue, Barrie, Ontario, Canada, L4N 2R2 Abstract. Marine mammal strandings

Temporal variation in stranding numbers of marine mammals: how individual populations are impacted and their repercussions. Read More »