OERS Academy
The OERS Academy, houses all education initiatives undertaken by OERS, including collaborative ventures with other colleges and universities (eg summer courses F500-marine mammal necropsy and F600-living marine mammals). Also programs such as the Professional Career Experiences, mentored by our scientists, biologists and veterinarians are run. For example, mentored by Dr Carin Wittnich, we offer opportunities such as the Pre-veterinary Career Experience, and in addition the Marine Mammal Research or Biomedical Research stream. Other opportunities are also mentored by our biologist, Dr Nesime Askin, such as the Marine Biology Field Experience. More details are available under each of the specific dropdown menus. Certificates of Completion are issued to those who registered and participated in the formal programs.
Our education mandate extends beyond these efforts to continue to bring awareness and understanding of all issues related to the aquatic environment and all creatures within. To fully accomplish this, half to full day workshops open to locals, citizen scientists, and children of all ages are organized and our staff often travel to give informative talks to schools, colleges and even participate at local public events when called upon. More detailed specifics for individual events held available in the News section.