Mr. Michael Belanger received the Outstanding Achievement Award for Volunteerism (click) given by the Ministry of Citizenship for what the review committee felt was an impressive lifetime volunteering effort and his initiatives in helping marine animals.

Details on this award can be found at www.awardsandhonors.gov.on.ca. The award was given to Mike by the Honorable Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship, at an awards ceremony at the North York Theatre of Fine Arts in December. Mike was the only awardee that year to be recognized for environmental efforts.

Mr. William Jack Wallen received the 5 year Volunteer Service Award from the Province of Ontario for his work with OERS. He was recognized at the awards ceremony in Toronto, Ontario in December.

Mr. Michael Belanger President and Director of OERS received the 10 Year Volunteer Service Award from the Province of Ontario for his work with OERS.

At the awards ceremony in November in Barrie Ontario, it was noted that Mike was representing the only environmental group to receive the service award that year. Yea Mike. Joe Tascona congratulated him personally for his efforts in this area.